Simple. Sturdy. Sustainable.
Cargo Cycles Handbuilt in Scotland
Building functional, modular and repairable cargo cycles with a focus on local production in a socially just and environmentally sustainable way.
High quality materials
XYZ CARGOs are constructed using high quality and easily sourced 6061 aluminium tubing anodised for outdoor use which means they will not corrode.
All bolts and nuts are A2 stainless steel. In order to prevent galvanic corrosion thin plastic washers made from PP are always mounted between the stainless steel parts and the aluminium tubing.
We use quality parts that work well and built to last. Cycle components include components from Sturmey Archer, Sapim, Shimano, Avid and Halo. The electric motor system is supplied by Promovec. We are able to be agile so if a component is not available we will use one of equal or higher quality.