We build functional cycles with a focus on local production in a socially just and environmentally sustainable way.
XYZ CARGO aims to create an alternative small business, based on principles of fair and local production. Meaning that we try to produce as much as possible in a socially sustainable way.
The ambition that powers the development of XYZ CARGOs exceeds the mere ambition of building bikes and trikes: We want to change the way we move things and persons, the way we produce things, the way we share and distribute things, the way we live. We want to contribute to creating a better and more fair world.
Modular construction
XYZ CARGOs combine bolted, modular and simple orthogonal construction methods with the use of advanced 3d design tools.
Easy to customise & to rebuild
XYZ CARGOs are easy to customise and to rebuild. It encourages DIY ingenuity and participation instead of rigid predefined solutions.
Easy repair & recycling
XYZ CARGOs can easily be repaired and with proper maintenance of mechanical parts it can last a lifetime.
For an effective recycling process, all parts can easily be separated into useful modular parts or basic raw materials again.
Quality and price
XYZ CARGOs more than matches any existing, comparable, mass-produced, standard products – both regarding quality and price.
Fair pricing
We ask ourselves how to give access to XYZ CARGOs to as many people as possible and how to do this in a fair and symbiotic way. We wouldn’t try to get the biggest profit, but balance a fee for our work with the costs and the time we have invested. All persons should be able to access XYZ CARGOs in a way, that fits both: their means and their needs.
We offer a range of ways to get hold of a XYZ CARGO: we sell readymade, assembled cycles and we arrange workshops for those who want to build their XYZ CARGO themselves. Finally people can also build their XYZ CARGOs from scratch on their own, according to the Creative Commons license above. However we do not give away blueprints for the commercial models.
All ready-made XYZ CARGOs are produced locally at our manufacturing studio in Edinburgh – according to socially fair and sustainable production principles. Each XYZ CARGO is hand-made and can be tailored to the needs of the user.